Project "Development of tourism in the border region of Bulgaria and Serbia by creating tourist attractions and exhibition of representative cultural and historical sites of the municipalities Surdulica and Pravets" whit reference number СВ007.1.11.151
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Project "Development of tourism in the border region of Bulgaria and Serbia by creating tourist attractions and exhibition of representative cultural and historical sites of the municipalities Surdulica and Pravets" whit reference number СВ007.1.11.151

Project activities


Project activities include:

  1. Project management;
  2. Information campaign;
  3. Training "Increasing the attractiveness of tourist sites";
  4. Exchange of experience for interpretation of new/ renewed tourist attractions;
  5. Reconstruction of city park in Surdulica – I phase and its turning into tourist attraction;
  6. Conservation, restoration, reconstruction and exposure of museum site in Vidrare village - Old class school from 1848;
  7. Conservation, restoration, reconstruction and exposure of museum site in Vidrare village - Tunyakovski han from 1820;
  8. Conservation and exposure of church "Sveta Bogoroditsa" from XIV century and remains of earlier buildings in front of it, Ossikovitsa village;
  9. Site and authors supervision for reconstruction works;
  10. Preparation and implementation of expositions in Old class school and Tunyakovski han in Vidrare village;
  11. Supply of equipment for raising tourist attractiveness of sites and ensuring access to them;
  12. Popularization of tourist sites with raised tourist attractiveness