Project "Development of tourism in the border region of Bulgaria and Serbia by creating tourist attractions and exhibition of representative cultural and historical sites of the municipalities Surdulica and Pravets" whit reference number СВ007.1.11.151
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Project "Development of tourism in the border region of Bulgaria and Serbia by creating tourist attractions and exhibition of representative cultural and historical sites of the municipalities Surdulica and Pravets" whit reference number СВ007.1.11.151

Conservation, restoration, reconstruction and exposure of museum site in Vidrare village - Old class school from 1848

   The aim is  development of   the  object  as a visited and successful tourist attraction. The activity includes the realization of a detailed work project for preservation, restoration, reconstruction and exposition of the Old School.


   The planned  actions are cleaning and restoration of stone walls, cleaning and storing of wooden elements and replacement of the compromised ones with new ones in original, treatment against destruction, insecticides and fire for all wooden parts, repairing the roof, making a new electrical installation and building new showcases and museum equipment and reconstruction of the original XIX-th  century classroom.


   A modern presentation method will be used for the showroom via a multimedia screen and a projector.




   Work on conservation and reconstruction of the site was completed.